
to this Inquiry into Experience, the Self & Individuality.


I initially investigated the Principal Typology within Experience-PH4 in the 1980's. I then named it: Approaches to Identity Development, and subsequently wrote it up for Ch.7 of Working with Values. The goal of that Chapter was to explain characteristic features of society's Natural Moral Institutions.

At that time, I only had a limited understanding of the common framework- structures. A unified Taxonomy had not been formulated, and validation via structural corroboration was unknown.

Interested readers can take advantage of the free download of Chapter 7.

Goals of the Inquiry

I am now aware that all Typologies deal with identity and its development—which makes the original name for the PH'4-Typology unsuitable. I can see that the way forward is to appreciate the function of experience-RL4 within endeavour-RH and to develop the logic of the PH'4-Typology from there.

The first task therefore has been to re-work the naming, formulations and presentation of the 4th Principal Typology from the taxonomic perspective. It is now called: Mental Stabilization Methods. The critical step for validating this re-working involved clarifying the associated Typology Essences Table.

That was completed in early 2015 and originally posted in the Frameworks prior to Theory section. However, all material has now been moved to the Frameworks in Development section.

On completing the revision of the PH'4-Principal Typology, the way was open to clarifying the PH'4C-Spiral of Growth and formulating its various derived frameworks. The Spiral was determined to be about strengthening the sense of self. Its posting was completed during 2016.

Work could therefore commence on the Spiral-derived Tree (PH'4CK). Provisional analyses have been completed on this and its derived frameworks, and these are available in the Taxonomy Notes.

Last updated: 23-Sep-2016. Last amended: 10-Oct-2023: